Tuesday, 7 July 2015

Poppy Fields

It's hard to say whether I prefer natural, outdoors shoots, or 'fancy-dress' themes. Either way, I love images that tell a story. Little Ro loves nothing more than being outdoors, whatever the weather, and I love shooting him outside as the seasons progress. Despite a promising, sunny morning, as I drove to this location, the clouds gathered, and it began to rain. On arrival, I asked the boy if he still wanted to get out of the car for a run around, and inevitably, the answer was yes (inclement weather has never bothered him, much). I read an article once, that said the thing children prize above everything else, is the freedom of playing outdoors (if I could find the article again, I would link it). I definitely believe it's important to spend time outside, and I'm so grateful to be able to find places like this, close to the countryside. 

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